Smart convenience

smart cooking meets smart convenience

What do a major Swiss food producer and a commercial kitchen manufacturer have in common? Many approaches to solutions and a concentrated load of expertise.

If you talk to a catering employee or a manager in the industry today, many talk about the same topic. Too few employees or not the right ones. With the annual exchange about the challenges of the professional kitchen in the gastronomy, we as Salvis AG see a new approach as a solution provider in the cooperation with SWISS GASTRO SOLUTIONS.

Both companies see a modular construction kit as a solution for the kitchen of the future. Food components in the modular principle simplify the planning of offers. The modular construction of a kitchen according to the plug-and-play system makes you flexible. On the one hand, for constantly growing businesses or, depending on requirements, for adapting to new concepts.

The modular professional kitchen of the future will combine smart convenience with smart cooking. Food components will be purchased as basic products and refined to different levels with the expertise of a chef.

The production concept smart cooking is not just a play on words but an extended and comprehensive form of a cook&chill concept. The production process is preceded by the optimised storage of raw or cooked food in the Salvis GreenVAC vacuuming system. The aim is to be able to react to different guest quantities at any time and to reduce food waste. The shelf life of self-produced convenience products, for example, is significantly extended in the Salvis GreenVAC.

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